Wednesday, March 30, 2011

did you know I had a birthday? (by Kendall)

Hi everyone! This is Kendall, and since mama is way overdue on blogging about my birthday, I'm gonna do it myself. Since it's been awhile, it's gonna be a long one... I've got lots to tell ya!

As some of you know, my first birthday was on March 18th. It wasn't as much fun however, because I got a fever the day before that lasted for 3 days, before I got a roseola rash. So I did a lot of sleeping and didn't eat very much during the festivities. Mama invited our good friends from Longmont, the Cornwells over for the weekend and they enjoyed eating cupcakes and singing to me.

Usually, I LOVE to eat sweet things, but not this day:

I got some neat presents, like a box of squeaky eggs, a play piggy bank and picnic basket that talk and sing and a tambourine, because I love music and rhythm. I have enjoyed playing with them since last week when I got over my sickness. Here's a video of me listening to one of my toys that plays fun music:

I just saw the doctor today and he told me that I am 18.5 lbs and I'm still 10th percentile. My height is 50% percentile though mama can't tell me how tall I am.

Now that I am one, I'm doing lots a cool things that "toddlers" do. I love to pull myself into a standing position and have started taking a step or two towards cruising. I still like to crawl because I'm really fast so I'm not ready to start trying to walk yet.

I wasn't too excited about eating solids, I like my bottle much better, but mama insisted that I start eating like a big girl, now that I live in Colorado. So, I've been eating pureed baby food, fruits and veggies along with finger foods like puffed rice and yogurt melts.

My favorite thing to eat in the whole wide world is yogurt, though. Mama gives me full-fat plain greek yogurt with honey on top and I love it!!

I'm not too good with the sippy cup yet, but mama lets me practice at each meal and I take a few sips of whole milk usually. When I began eating solids I started to have constipation, which mama got rid of fast by giving me diluted prune juice. We learned though that you can't have too much prune juice or you have the opposite problem which is very painful and requires a lot of diaper cream to relieve!

My brother Riley likes to take initiative and help feed me when mama walks away for a minute. He usually gives me bigger bites than mama does and it spills a bit. Mama thanks him for being a good helper but prefers to feed me herself.

Now that I am old enough, I don't have to use the baby bathtub anymore. Sometimes, I get to take a bath with Riley, which is a lot of fun. I love the water -- I try and put my hands in the toilet whenever I can!

Mama lets me watch a little Baby Einstein now, but I don't watch for long. I have too many other things I want to play with.

We have two playrooms in our house -- one is upstairs in the sunroom and the other is in the basement. I usually play in the sunroom, where mama can watch me better. However, I have discovered a third playroom: the kitchen! Mama has a drawer of sippy cups and I love to play in there! I also like the pots & pans cabinet and the lazy susan where the plastic bowls are kept.

One of my favorite toys is this one from G'ma Berg. There's a little hole where the on/off switch is and I like to put my finger in it. Here you can see the four teeth that I had as of last month. Now I have two more on top and two more coming in on bottom for a total of eight!

This toy is one of my favorites because it has a microphone so I can sing and let everyone hear! Here's my first music video:

I really enjoy playing with my brother in the sunroom...

but as soon as mama shows up with the camera, I high-tail it over to her. She thinks it's because I want to be held, but really I just want the camera.

I'm always reaching for electronics:

another place I like to play is mama & daddy's walk-in closet. So many cool things in there!

Our house has some big windows in it and it's fun to look out and see the mountains and the people that walk by:

I think being one is pretty cool. Mama and daddy can't believe how big I am already. Mama says it seems like yesterday I was coming out of her tummy. I tell her that's the way it is with kids -- we grow up much too fast!

Well, that's all from me. I hope you enjoyed my blog -- now I see why mama & daddy haven't had time to do one. It's a lot of work and time, especially when you have a lot to report.

