Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentine's day

For many years Valentine's Day was torture to me. It was a yearly reminder of things longed for that I didn't have. Although I still say a prayer for those who are single and lonely, the day has changed radically since Shelby came into my life. The years spent alone make the day that much more sweet.

Things are even more different now that we have Riley. His presence has brought me to a fuller, deeper love for my wife. Shelby is not just a companion and friend, she's Mama. And a wonderful Mama she is. Valentine's Day brings these things into a clearer focus for me. My wife and boy are truly a great joy to me.

Valentine's morning arrived and with it came cards, but also...chocolate! Riley got his first box of chocolate from Mama. Here he is getting his first sample:

Wow! this is cool!

After breakfast Mama took Riley off to an indoor playground in Woburn. Riley has never met a playground he hasn't loved:

Tug Boat Captain

Head first into the ball pit

Does he like it in there? You bet!


He never
gets tired of slides

Valentine's Day fun of the adult kind was had later on. Miss Laura came over to babysit so Mama and Daddy could have some alone time. First we took in an IMAX movie which had just been released. Under the Sea (in 3D) was great. Next up (ironically) was a great sushi dinner at one of our favorite places, Sake.

Food that looks like artwork

Shelby looking beautiful

Me looking hungry

The food was great and the company better. We did show that we are no longer newlyweds however. Our date progressed from food and a trip to Home Depot to look at kitchen sinks. Yes, we really did go to Home Depot on a Valentine's Day date.

The final stop of the evening was Barnes & Noble for some good coffee and...children's books. One of the things Shelby and I share aside from a rather intense love of our son is a love of seeing him reading books. We enjoyed perusing the shelves and came home with quite a haul for our reading boy:

Books, books books!

Daddy and Riley reading about trucks the next day

It was a very good day. It's amazing to me how much joy can be had in simple things like looking at sinks or shopping for books for my boy. Sushi isn't bad either... It's not what I'm doing though, it's who I'm doing it with. I'm very grateful for the two people who are upstairs sleeping as I write this. They are a tremendous gift. Thank you Lord! They were worth the wait.

I love my wife and boy!


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