Monday, October 26, 2009

it's a girl!

Today was a day we had been waiting for with anticipation. Shelby's ultrasound appointment...we'd get to find out if we had a girl or a boy. We're happy to announce that our baby girl was very forthcoming!

I took a few minutes of video of the ultrasound. You'll hear the tech talking about what we're seeing as well as the excited parents. So without further delay, here is Kendall Acadia Berg!

She looks beautiful!



Jen said...

Congratulations! Little girls are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful sight you have here to see what is going on with your family! I have never gotten this far but when I saw that "its a girl" I had to look.
Congratulations to you and your family!!
xoxo Anne McKendry Koslik

Thomas Browning said...

I wish it was a boy. I'd like another boy cousin.

Sharon Browning said...

Congratulations! Having a girl will be very special. I'm glad it won't be all boys in the younger cohort of Browning grandchildren.

Shelby said...

Thomas, I'm sorry that you're disappointed. Grammy is pretty happy though since the last 4 grandkids were all boys. She's ready for another girl!