Monday, February 22, 2010

t minus 5 weeks

I followed up my 35 week appointment with another ultrasound today. Because of Riley's prenatal stroke, they wanted another look at Kendall now that she's almost full-term (37 weeks). Since Jonathan and I were tested for any genetic clotting factors (negative), I wasn't too concerned. I was more interested in getting confirmation of whether or not Kendall was still in breech position as she was two weeks ago. My midwife said it was difficult to tell from feeling around my belly.

I had tried the ice and music method this past weekend. I put an icepack on the top of my belly and music at the bottom of my belly to entice baby girl to "head" south. My midwife had a few other tricks that I could try, but due to my C-section, they won't attempt an external version (turn a baby manually). So in order to have the option of a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), she had to turn and soon.

We were relieved to find out that Kendall is head down..Thank you, Jesus. So I guess what I thought was her head must have been her bum. I'm thankful to have one less thing to be concerned about.

We also found out that Kendall's estimated weight is 6 lbs. That means, I'm on the way of delivering an 8 lb baby if Kendall arrives sometime after 39 weeks. Oy. Maybe I should put this girl on a diet now.

Just kidding.

The ultrasound technician also said she has a head of hair on her (as Riley and I did as newborns), so we're pretty excited about seeing those beautiful locks next month. We're going to need a frequent user card at Snip-Its if her hair grows as fast as Riley's does.

We got a facial shot showing her cute little chubby cheeks to share with you:

Looking forward to seeing you soon Kendall girl!


1 comment:

Cancro Family said...

That's awesome. Next month. Whoa. So soon. I can't wait to hear all about it!