Saturday, August 21, 2010

hometown fun

Today, while Jonathan was helping some friends with their move, I ventured out with the kids to Wakefield's annual Safety Day in our Town Common. Each year, local DPW & safety vehicles are brought in, so the kids can explore and ask questions of the personnel. Riley enjoyed it as much as his favorite playground!

The bucket truck where he got a "hard" hat:

Driving the back hoe:

"Naughty" Riley in the back of the police cruiser:

"Helper" Riley received a Junior EMT sticker after being in the ambulance:

Driving the Fire Truck:

Climbing on top of the Fire Truck and enjoying the view:

Giving Sparky the Fire Dog a hug:

Climbing up the ladder truck and sporting his new Fire hat:

We even got to ride in an antique fire truck:

Kendall, who had been napping, was not amused by the clanging bell -- she screamed pretty much the whole ride:

In addition to free burgers & slushies, Riley had his picture and fingerprints taken for his ID card, courtesy of the Molly Bish Foundation:

It was a fun couple of hours and both kids did really well. I look forward to next year when J can join us and Riley can spend even more time exploring the vehicles. But it was worth it to give J up for the day so the Four Zs could complete their transition to Somerville. We excited to play with them more now that they're closer!


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