Saturday, September 18, 2010

kendall is 6 months old!

Happy Half-Birthday, Baby Girl!

We say it over and over but it's so true how time flies. It's hard to believe that it's been six whole months since Kendall came into our world. I didn't feel like we were missing someone prior to her arrival, and yet now I can't imagine our family without her. With her, we "The Boston Bergs" seem complete.

The only vitals I got at her doc's appt is weight -- 14.8 lbs (20th percentile). She continues to get 5 meals of mama's milk a day. However, now that she's hit the 6 month mark, I'm going to start giving her formula while I'm at work, so I don't have to pump. I'll continue to nurse her morning and night and pump an extra bottle as long as I have the supply.

I'm going to delay solids for another few weeks as she doesn't seem ready for spoon feeding quite yet. She still thrusts her tongue out, so nothing seems to go down her throat. I'll try again in a week or two and see if she's ready. I've started giving her a sippy cup to practice on, tho' right now she just gnaws on it.

As reported last month, her bottom front teeth are coming in.

She rolls back and forth easily and has been sleeping on her belly for a couple of months now. Her neck is strong, but her back is still wobbly. Her arms are strong though, and she's started using them while on her belly to scootch herself forward a little bit. She is also doing something on her belly that looks a bit like crawling when she pushes her chest completely off the floor and flexes her knees. Since her next big milestone will be sitting up unassisted, I'm giving her practice doing the tripod sitting:

Her hand-eye coordination is improving and she can transfer an object from one hand to the other, but she doesn't hold objects for more than about 15-20 seconds usually. She's gotten good enough to grab one of the animals of her crib mobile, so I think we'll be taking that down before she busts it (since it's promised to a friend).

She took her first ride in an outdoor swing last week. At first she held on to both bars and then she just got herself into a relaxed position and enjoyed the ride. Note the placement of her feet...

One thing that has really struck me this time around is how much Kendall (and Riley) will choose interaction with people over any toy offered. Kendall enjoys the jumper, but when Riley comes over to play too, all she wants to do is watch him. So cute.

I wasn't sure if Kendall was going to be ticklish like Riley is, but in the last month, I've discovered she is quite sensitive on her neck and around her belly button. I've exploited it to my fullest advantage, just to hear her giggles!

As if you didn't know I love my Kendall-girl (as does Daddy & Riley too!) and we're so grateful for these first 6 months with her.

We're looking forward to the next six months with all of it's amazing changes as she starts eating solids, saying first words and goes mobile. Look out world, here she comes!


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