Monday, October 18, 2010

7 Months old!!

Our baby girl is getting bigger by the week it seems. This is such a fun time when her development really seems to be taking off and she's changing so much during the month. Here's some of what she's up to right now:

She's reaching and grabbing at everything now. I can't sit at the computer with her without her reaching for the keyboard, mouse and any papers that we have on the desk. Everything goes into the mouth for oral examination so we keep the electronics well out of reach.

She's doing better at sitting up unassisted, but still needs something soft for falling on -- the maximum time I've seen her sit up is about 2 min. While on her belly, she slithers around and manages to travel quite a bit, so I don't think that crawling will be too far off.

She gets daily practice at sitting up (I'm really anxious for this milestone to be reached). Here's hoping we'll be there by 8 months!

Video of Sitting Practice

Standing is still her favorite posture:

As far as food, well she's not to interested in solids yet, so we're still working on that. I've offered her applesauce, yogurt, butternut squash & peanut butter and had the best success with the PB. I guess that particular food love continues to run in the family; also it doesn't fall out of her mouth as easily.

And if anyone's gasping at my offering PB at this age -- the biggest risk factor is genetics. Since there's no nut allergies in our family, I gave it a try. No worries.

I gave her a couple of baby feeders and she seems to like them. Works nicely as a chew toy too:

Otherwise, she's now weaned and taking 4 bottles of formula a day of approx 30 oz total.

Still hates her car seat...but has learned to live with it (and I have learned to live with the fact that pink will be a primary color in her wardrobe):

We're beginning to hear some babbling (something like nigh-nigh and da-da) that's terribly sweet, but mostly she coos and sighs. She's ticklish on her belly & neck and squeals whenever we tickle her there.

It's hard to believe she's seven month's old already. The next seven hold quite a few milestones.

We love our Kendall girl!


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