Tuesday, December 28, 2010

christmas(s) 2010

Christmas is one of those holidays where family gatherings are very important to most of us. This year is a bit different for us. With a new job starting for me in February I'm not going to be in a position to travel for a while. That means our planned trip to Washington in March is out. So we quickly booked flights for December. That means TWO family gatherings this year.

First up was a trip to CT and my family gathering. With our trip to Washington starting the next day and a house needing prep work for sale it meant the kids and I left Shelby at home to work while we went to my Mom's house. It was great to see my Mom, brothers and their kids. Here's a slide show of the festivities:

The next day, after cleaning and straightening the house all day, we got a flight out of Boston to Seattle. Shelby's brothers and their families live in the Seattle area, and her parents were coming to town for a visit. Mom and Dad didn't know we'd be there though...and it was a great surprise. Here's a longer slide show of the week and a half we've been here:

Christmas this year is a season full of a multitude of emotions. We are really excited about my new job in Colorado Springs. It seems like it will be a really cool place to live and fortunately we already have some friends there which will ease the transition a bit.

At the same time there is terrific anxiety over trying to make a fast sale of both our home and my practice. It seems like a nearly impossible task and there is so very much to do. We are going to be very busy for the next six weeks, and until things get resolved we'll likely be living with upset stomachs from the stress.

There is also a sadness that comes with knowing that we'll be leaving behind friends, some of which we've known for decades. There are so many people that we will miss so very much. And for me there is leaving the area that has always been home.

Add to this the joy of seeing family and of sharing our kids with them. It is truly a crazy time emotionally.

A time like this is one where I lean very heavily on my Lord and God. I know that I can't handle all of this by myself and I'm grateful for the promises God gives us of His provision. I fall back on Matthew 6:25-34. I especially love two parts, "your heavenly Father already knows all your needs." And also, "So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today."

So the "Christmas Season" brings us a great hope, joy and love. The hope of a Father who knows our needs and cares for us, taking care of them. The joy of the Spirit, who guides us and "prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words." And the love of the Son, that tiny babe who was born to save us from our sin by suffering and sacrificing so much, in fact sacrificing everything for us.

It is these truths that enable me to keep going when things are so crazy. And it is also these truths that make me so grateful for the tiny babe whose coming enabled the healing of our relationship with our great God.

The reason for the season. Praise God.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

all things job related...

There have been a lot of job related happenings in the Berg family over the last couple of months. Shelby wrote of her layoff back in the beginning of October. That actually gave us a shove in a direction we had really been wanting to go for a long time.

We've been wishing that Shelby could stay home with the kids, or at least work a minimal number of hours and be home more. In this area that's a tough thing to do. With the layoff we BOTH started looking diligently into other employment and possibly a move. That search payed off today...for me.

I've been mainly looking into chiropractic jobs with the federal government. One of the spots I applied to was with the Air Force Academy. The job seemed like it was made just for me. Colorado Springs looks like an awesome place to live. We even have friends out there already.

I had my second interview today and at the end of the day I was offered the job! It's hard to leave New England, but I am really excited about this job and what it means for my family. There is still a lot to do; I'm going to sell my practice and we need to sell the house. And then there's moving of course...but it is one really great opportunity.

So here's a note of thanks, to my friends who have offered support and especially for all of you who were praying hard for me today, but also to our great God who answers those prayers. Thank you friends and praise you Lord!

As Shelby did in her post on the layoff, I want to close with the last verse of "All Must Be Well" which takes on a different meaning for me now:

We expect a bright tomorrow; All will be well
Faith can sing through days of sorrow, All is well
On our Father's love relying
Jesus every need supplying
Yes in living or in dying
All must be well


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

christmas tree day

One of our family "traditions" (it's only a few years old) is that we get and decorate our Christmas tree on the day after Thanksgiving. The tradition is filling out a little with time and it's becoming a full, fun day. Here's a little video I put together which shows you how we spent the day.

We love Christmas tree day. It just gets to be more and more fun.
