Tuesday, December 14, 2010

all things job related...

There have been a lot of job related happenings in the Berg family over the last couple of months. Shelby wrote of her layoff back in the beginning of October. That actually gave us a shove in a direction we had really been wanting to go for a long time.

We've been wishing that Shelby could stay home with the kids, or at least work a minimal number of hours and be home more. In this area that's a tough thing to do. With the layoff we BOTH started looking diligently into other employment and possibly a move. That search payed off today...for me.

I've been mainly looking into chiropractic jobs with the federal government. One of the spots I applied to was with the Air Force Academy. The job seemed like it was made just for me. Colorado Springs looks like an awesome place to live. We even have friends out there already.

I had my second interview today and at the end of the day I was offered the job! It's hard to leave New England, but I am really excited about this job and what it means for my family. There is still a lot to do; I'm going to sell my practice and we need to sell the house. And then there's moving of course...but it is one really great opportunity.

So here's a note of thanks, to my friends who have offered support and especially for all of you who were praying hard for me today, but also to our great God who answers those prayers. Thank you friends and praise you Lord!

As Shelby did in her post on the layoff, I want to close with the last verse of "All Must Be Well" which takes on a different meaning for me now:

We expect a bright tomorrow; All will be well
Faith can sing through days of sorrow, All is well
On our Father's love relying
Jesus every need supplying
Yes in living or in dying
All must be well



Unknown said...


That is all.

Lisa said...

Very awesome how it all came together! CS sounds wonderful too. We will miss you dearly!

Holly said...

(happy screams!)

NO WAY!!!!!!????????

I know this will be bitter sweet but I can't help but be excited for you!!!!!!!!

ooo...I can't wait to tell mom and dad!

The Sherrill Family said...

Boston definitely won't be the same without you two... but we are happy for all the Bergs. This news is such a huge answer to prayer! Praise God for his faithfulness.

Murry said...

praise God for giving you peace about the upcoming job and move, and for providing a job in this tough economy!! colorado is beautiful, and i hope you, shelby and the kids will be happy out there. congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Dave and I wish you the best for you and your family on your venture...It was hard for me to leave MA..having lived there since I was 5..I have learned any house can be a home when you have your family! Wish we could have hooked up before you left. We pray for a safe journey for all of you. Be well my friend! L, P