Wednesday, May 18, 2011

14 things at 14 months

Our baby girl turned 14 months old today. She's at that age where she seems to be rapidly changing, so we wanted to capture 14 things about her that we want to share (and remember!):

1. She has gained 2 lbs in two months (21 lbs), thanks to the full fat greek yogurt we've been feeding her. She has a little belly now and recently graduated to a front facing car seat.

2. She had her first hair trim as her bangs were falling into her eyes. It took two of us to hold her steady but managed to get the job done.

Now we can see her eyes and her beautiful full brows!

3. She still takes two naps per day (approx 3 hours total) and sleeps from 7p - 6am. We're grateful to have such a good sleeper.

4. We don't have a champion eater, however. While she loves her some carbs such as baby cereal with pureed fruit, cheerios, crackers and cheese or fruit puffs, everything else she eats is hit and miss. Right now, she's usually eating peanut butter, avocado, banana, semi-soft cheese, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, waffles, hummus, pasta w/graded cheese & whole milk. She tried chili last night and took several bites of that, so we continue to encourage her closer to eating table food only. With 8 teeth in her mouth, I'm ready to be done with pureed food!

This is what we get when she's "done" eating:

5. The biggest news is that Kendall girl has started walking. She started standing on her own about 10 days ago and then began trying a step or two about a week ago. Now, she's taking 10+ steps at a time:

6. She loves her daycare provider Miss Marie, who lives in our neighborhood and with three grown daughters has been taking care of kids for over 20 yrs. Kendall has a "boyfriend" named Tyus who is similar in age and they follow each other around everywhere. So cute.

7. She loves her brother and is interested in whatever he's playing with. Riley's getting a lot of practice in learning how to share and help his sister to enjoy their toys together. Still a work in progress, but I look forward to seeing them play together more as they get older.

8. She's doing a lot of babbling, but no recognizable words yet. She says mum, nah and da and points to things that she likes, such as lights. I've been showing her the signs for eating & all done and I've seen her try to use them a few times recently.

9. She claps and waves bye bye (to herself) when we say bye to Riley in the morning. She started clicking her tongue a few days ago and seems pretty pleased with her new found skill.

10. She's really enjoying peekaboo now and will use a cloth to try and cover her own head to hide from me.

Playing peekaboo from behind the coffee table:

11. Kendall's going to be a musician, I suspect. She loves music, even more than Riley does and moves to it by swaying back and forth and playing her rhythm instruments.

12. She takes after her mother in that she loves to climb -- on people, playthings, furniture etc. She's not much of a snuggler, she is very active and once you pick her up, she keep moving to climb over your back. I suppose gymnastics or dance will be in her future!

13. At this age, she's hearing us say "No, no Kendall don't touch/that's not for babies!". Unlike Riley, who at this age would just ignore us, Kendall turns around, looks at us with this coy little smile and slowly turns back and continues her mission. So that makes four sinners in the house in need of some discipline... (sigh).

Enjoying some of mama's sweet tea:

14. Lastly, when I ask for a kiss, Kendall opens her mouth, sticks out her tongue and proceeds to lick me. So she gives cheek kisses for now. Hoping she'll figure out the less-slobbery method soon, but it's sweet nonetheless.

Walking opens up a whole new world of discovery:

We love our sweet baby girl and it's exciting to see her grow up and change from a baby to a toddler. She is such a delight to us and has added something really special to our family.

We love you Kendall girl!!

Stay tuned... Riley's turning 4 next week...More to come!!

1 comment:

Murry said...

oh my...what a fun little girl she is! love those smiles too! you can tell she has a sweet nature to's hoping she eat bettere for you all soon (although 21 pounds is a nice weight).