Monday, July 18, 2011

16 months

Now that she's 1/3 of the way through her second year of life, time again to report on how our baby girl is growing up and changing...

We mentioned that at 14 months, she started walking. Now she's zipping around the house and climbing up anything she can -- stairs, couch, beds, boxes etc. She's an active one and not one to stay in one place too long. My days of snuggling with her are over, it seems.

The latest milestone is talking. She says "mama", "dada", "no", "bye bye", "night-night", "ball" and "all done". She can sign "more", "please" and "all done" as well. We're working on signing "thank-you" at the moment. She will shake her head no or yes as well as grunt and point to let her wishes be made known. It's great to be able to communicate more with her now.

My girl LOVES the water. No fear of it whatsoever. She enjoys playing in Riley's pool as well as at the splash park downtown.

She continues to prefer pureed foods over most table food, with the exception of mac-n-cheese, waffles, scrambled eggs and pasta with grated cheese on top. With the exception of bananas and blueberries, she only eats fruits/veggies if they're pureed -- like applesauce. She still gets at least 2 servings of yogurt a day which helps to keep her weight up. Dairy is a favorite -- she loves whole milk cheese & will devour a whole milkshake. She particularly enjoys the Peach shake from Chick-fil-A that's out right now (as so we!).

She's also got a taste for my sweet tea and asks for it every time she sees me drinking it. Since it's half-caffeinated, I've started hiding my glass from her. She seems to think anything that I have is better than what she has, it seems.

She still takes two naps a day, tho she can survive on one if necessary. She sleeps 11-12 hours each night, for which we continue to be thankful for.

She has had two additional teeth come in, for a total of 10. There's at least two more that are about to erupt. She was a little cranky for a couple of weeks because of it, but seemed to take it in stride for the most part.

She's had a number of first experiences in the past month, such as joining the family bike rides (in the trailer), going kayaking and having her first ice cream cone (loved it!).

She's taken a great interest in the telephone and now grabs the one on J's nightstand and walks around babbling into it.

She also grabs her brush and comb and attempts to primp herself with it -- so cute.

I bought her a little baby doll and bottle and it's sweet how she tried to feed it and hug it.

Like her brother, she loves to be tickled and is quick to join in the family wrestling match.

We're seeing more of her desire to play with Riley and do what he's doing. Riley for the most part enjoys engaging her though he's quick to tattle when she messes up something or grabs a toy that he wants. Ah, the first of many, many years of refereeing their disagreements. Today, he announced that Kendall was his best friend, which put a big smile on his mama's face.

We continue to be thankful for the blessing of having Kendall in our family. She brings so much joy and laughter to our home. We love our Kendall Girl!

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