Sunday, July 22, 2007

our boy is baptized

Today Riley was baptized at CTK. Baptism brings with it an element of mystery and hope bound up in a wrapping of faith and grace. In baptism Shelby and I are stating that Riley belongs to God, to a believing family and to God’s church. We’re also acknowledging that we need to lean on promises God gives in connecting our boy to Jesus in this way. We’ve promised to raise Riley in the church, to set a Godly example for him, and to pray with and for him. Most importantly, we acknowledge the need that our son has for God’s grace through the cleansing blood of Christ, and we have promised to teach Riley of the need he has for our Savior, the God who loves him so dearly. We look forward in faith to the day when our boy will profess his own faith. As part of the ceremony all of the church members promise to help us in this endeavor. I’m so glad we’re not in this alone.

Here’s video of Riley being baptized for those who were not able to be there:

On another note, yesterday we took a family trip downtown to walk through the Public Garden and down the Esplanade. The weather was beautiful. While we were in the Public Garden Riley got his first (of what will be yearly) chance to sit on momma duck, who is a part of a bronze sculpture based on the book “Make Way for the Ducklings.” It was very cute. A great time was had by all. Riley was even awake for some of it! Here are a few pictures:

Riley’s first time on momma duck:

Shelby and Riley with the Charles River and MIT in the background:

Riley gets fed on the Esplanade:

Jonathan and Riley with the Charles River in the background:


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