Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas was entirely different this year than it ever has been before. Having our boy puts the holiday in a whole new light. There is, of course, the gift giving. It's fun and very different with our seven month old boy. Before heading to CT to share the holiday with the Berg clan we had our own celebration:

Riley opens his very first Christmas present

Riley loves the rattle and bug Grammy and Poppa gave him

Riley's first presents

Momma got the Buffy she wanted

Daddy got Foyle's War (yeah!)

Amazing how babies always seem to love the simplest things...

At my parents house there was the usual joyful mayhem associated with the opening of presents:

Riley got a cool rocking horse from Grandma and Grandpa

Cool blocks that have things inside that move

The cousins playing with their presents

Family time is now totally different as well. Riley is
already such an extrovert that his time is taken up with a variety of relatives other than his Mom & Dad. His cousins love playing with him:

Bruce plays with Riley and Riley's new bear

Brendan and Riley play with Riley's new horse

Britney, Bruce and Riley

Aunts and Uncles get their chance

Aunt Claudia and Uncle Drew with Riley

Grandma and Grandpa Berg
have to get their Riley time as well...

Grandpa hangs out with our boy

Grandma's shoulder makes a fine bed

There are also different spiritual lessons that having a seven month old bring to light. I have the feeling of having been given an awesome gift that Mary and Joseph likely felt when holding their newborn boy. I am amazed that our God would think to come and live on earth in such a fragile and helpless form when Jesus could have just 'appeared' fully grown to do his work had he so desired. We celebrate the gift of a child. But more, the gift of a savior who lived the sinless life that we can't and suffered the penalty that we now won't have to.

I look at my boy who is the greatest present I have ever been given in an earthly sense, and I'm reminded of that other child who came to bring me home to God. A greater present I could not receive. Thank you Lord on both counts!

Merry Christmas!


1 comment:

Lisa said...

BTW, Happy Birthday, Shelby! Lisa C.