Sunday, March 23, 2008

10 months old!

The kid's hit double digits... and the countdown to May 23rd is on! Here's a short run-down of what Riley's been up to the past month:

He's officially a crawler now... I can no longer leave him in the living room and find him in relatively the same place anymore. If I step out to the kitchen, I'm likely to see this about 30 sec later:

I captured this video of him crawling and using his next stage sippy cup (no handles):

He still gravitates towards ducky (he has 5 total now) and enjoys chewing the tail now that he's teething:

He's just starting to cruise tho' he's not very coordinated yet and prefers to stretch to whatever he's after rather than side-stepping towards it. This invariably leads to falling over. It has been opinioned that his crawling stage may not last very long.

Generally, he goes to bed between 7:30 - 8p and wakes up sometime between 5:30 - 6:30a, depending on how much daytime sleep he's had.

He still has three 6-8oz bottles of formula -- two in the day and one before bed. Still keeping solids pretty simple -- cereal, fruit, veggies, cheese and yogurt and he's enjoyed some of our lentil soup. I hope to introduce him to more when we finally get finished unpacking and getting the house somewhat ready for our first visitors next month.

He's learning to wave bye bye -- he waves to himself. It's very cute.

Even with his teething and near constant runny nose, he continues to be a delight and a very contented baby. We are really enjoying this stage where he's interacting more and more with us. We thank God for our healthy and happy son!


1 comment:

Holly said...

that is such a fun age!!!! (and it only gets better!)