Wednesday, March 5, 2008

settling in

Well the Berg family survived the big move. Now we're starting to settle in to the new place a bit. Riley is enjoying the new digs.

For the first few days Grammy was visiting from the winter home in Phoenix. She was a HUGE help in getting the place set up, especially in the kitchen. She put her exceptional organizational skills to use there and even made a list on a Word doc telling us where everything is. Organization of this type absolutely amazes me, and having the kitchen done is sweet.

Grammy also got to spend some quality time with Riley. Here she is reading him a book:

One afternoon Momma and Grammy put Riley on the floor in the living room to play while they walked into the kitchen (the next room) for a minute. When they came back in he was nowhere to be seen. Since he's not crawling or walking yet it was odd. After a short look around our intrepid explorer was found:

He was trapped under the love seat, but as soon as he was freed he went right back, scooting around like an old pro:

Riley's been working on his standing. He tries to pull himself up on anything that's available. Here's a shot of him holding on to one of the living room ottomans (with Grammy's support because they're light and they move...)

Here's a little video of the Standing Boy in action:

Lastly, I was ironing in the guest room on Monday and had Riley on the futon. I had found out the day before that because the back of the futon slants back Riley can stand without holding on to anything when he's facing out. It makes for a wonderful shot of our Standing Boy:

I never expected that watching my kid learn to do normal, everyday things like standing up would be so much fun. It's unbelievable how much joy it brings me.

We love our Standing Boy and our new home!


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