Wednesday, March 26, 2008

a day of firsts

Today...a relatively warm 55 degree day, Riley and/or I experienced a few firsts:

1) I enjoyed my first tank and shorts run of the season. The trails are dry and with clear skies and birds singing, I can actually believe that summer will come back to Boston.

2) Riley got his inaugural ride in the Chariot Stroller - a combo jogging and biking stroller that we bought before he was born. It was the most expensive item that we purchased for our boy -- even half off through Ebay. After taking it around the lake today, I have to say it will get a lot of use. It handled the "off-road" sections well and is capable to being adapted to wind & rain with various flaps that can be used.

3) Lastly, today we saw the evidence of tooth#2 making its appearance:

Riley's be a little off the past couple of weeks since his first tooth erupted, his nose started running and he began battling a very bad case of diaper rash. This second little fella isn't helping things. The worst part is the rash...the doc put him on an anti-fungal medicine that we hope will clear it up within a few days.

Ending on a brighter note, Riley has begun waving bye-bye. He only does it with his right hand and turns it towards himself, but he does it in response to hearing the words. I caught a short-video of him that showcases his latest skill:

We love our boy!



Kristen said...

that video is SO cute!

Holly said...

just a note from a very seasoned 'fungal diaper rash' mom - if you see that again, no need to take him to the doctor, just go to the store and grab some anti-fungal foot cream, it's the same stuff, works great, you save time and money!

Shelby said...

Good suggestion, Holly. I'll give it a try!