Friday, March 7, 2008

first tooth!

Yep, it's finally here... I noticed Riley was "chewing" after I left him in the living room for a couple of minutes. Worried that he found something on the floor to put in his mouth, I checked and found nothing but a speck of white on his lower gums. Feeling it confirmed that it's the top of his first tooth.

He hasn't been drooling or cranky so I was a bit surprised to find the tooth. I don't dare dream that they'll all come in this easy. He seems to have fun rubbing his tongue over it. Sweet boy.

We'll try and get a picture this weekend...just thought I'd share the big news!



Kristen said...

Can I just point out that the last three blog entries involve some sort of "left Riley for a few minutes to go to the other room" statement? Oh, it makes me laugh. I forget those days. . .yours are numbered, too, Shelby and Jonathan! Little Mr. Riley Boy is one day just going to follow you right into the next room!

The Hartley Family said...

Congratulations! we are now the last ones left waiting for teeth :) What a big boy!