Monday, February 25, 2008

standing boy

Today I got a surprise. I put Riley into his crib for a few minutes while I was off on my morning routine. He enjoys playing with his toys there if we need a few minutes to do things. When I came back into the room this is what I saw:

He had gotten himself into a standing position all by himself for the very first time. I immediately ran out to get the camera, hoping that he'd still be upright when I came back. Not only was he upright, but as soon as he saw the camera he flashed the huge smile you see above. He was obviously as proud of his achievement as Daddy was.

Riley's really close to crawling, but this tells me he's pretty close to walking too.

Look out world!


1 comment:

Kristen said...

I can still remember when we woke up to Nathanael standing in his crib! It's about to get SO fun over there (of course, it's already very fun, I know). Once they're on the move, you have a little window into their personalities. I will NEVER forget the first time Nathanael crawled to me. :) Fun stuff! (And he does look very proud!)