Friday, November 7, 2008

random stuff & pics

There's no particular theme to this blog update. Those reading on a full stomach be forewarned -- there are sharp turns in thought and subject matter.

So...Riley has become quite the climbing boy in the past couple of weeks. He's conquered our bed, the toilet seat (to get at his toothbrush on the sink counter), the dining chairs and as of yesterday, the dining room table! He seems to have inherited his parents muscularity as he'll do a chin up with just about anything he can, such as tables, counter tops and shelves.

He's also figured out how to take his shirt off, or in this case, get part of it over his head and look for a laugh from the audience:

He's learning body parts -- he knows feet, hands, belly button, mouth and head. He still gets nose, ears and eyes mixed up sometimes, though. I'm hoping to wow them at his Children's checkup in December since I know his language won't meet their high expectations. :-)

Riley's new favorite book is a Bob the Builder book. He asks to read it morning and night. He'll point and say "Bob!" to the book and when he sees construction equipment outside, he'll say "Bob!" too.

We limit his TV watching to about 30 min of PBS, but seeing us on the computer has him more interested in that now. So, we'll play videos of him and games on the Bob the Builder and Curious George websites, which he really enjoys.

J recently started keeping his guitar downstairs so he'd keep his callouses between the times he's scheduled to lead worship music. When he comes home from work, Riley runs over to the guitar case asking for him to pull it out:

He still loves his books...we keep his favorites on the floor for his perusal. It's good to see that our high energy boy can sit and play quietly, even if its just for 5-10 min. I found a magnetic sketch pad in a box of donated toys that he's been playing with a lot too. Now that he's stopped putting everything in his mouth, it might be time to break out the toddler crayons again.

Riley's first week at Nicole's house went very well. J had no problems leaving him in the afternoon, Riley naps just fine and he's not excited to leave when I come pick him up. Nicole has three cats and he seems to play nicely with them. He also has fun trying to make Nicole's 3 month old son Dominic smile and laugh. J's loving the extra time with his boy (as I do!). Seems to be working out very well for all of us.

Thanks to a generous birthday and Christmas gift from Grammy Betsea, Riley has started taking swimming lessons. While he loves the water, he was quite overwhelmed with everything last week at his first lesson. Before the end of class however, he was "jumping" into the J's arms -- not really, J lifted him up off the platform into the pool. Riley had a ball. Since the classes are on Mondays I hope to take him on some of the Monday holidays next year myself!

Now that the days are shorter and the weather is getting colder, we're beginning to turn our attention back to the house. J finished the attic insulation and flooring so we can begin the big organizing project of the season and get better settled into the house. It'll be nice to know where everything is again after almost two years since leaving Newburyport. I can't wait to put pics on the walls too -- they're pretty bare still.

Not that we won't be playing outside, mind you. Riley is totally ready for the first big snow. He's got the snowsuit, gloves & boots. So, bring it on I say...we're ready for it!

(I just hope that Riley's fun in the snow will show J that he too can enjoy the thing he calls "evil, white stuff"...)

Last random thought... Welcome to the world Abby Polk, we can't wait to see you on your mama's blog!



1 comment:

Oil Zivan said...

Watch out the that "taking shirt off". Just don't get any further like Zippy!