Sunday, November 9, 2008

a trip to the lake

One of the things that drew us to Wakefield was Lake Quannapowitt. Quannapowitt is an oddity for the Boston area; it's a good sized lake that is not used for drinking water, is in the middle of residential and commercial property and it is actually open for community use.

When we moved to Reading a couple of years back the lake became a place for walking and running, mostly for Shelby (and later Riley.) After we moved it became a place we would go to as a family since we could walk over from the house (we can actually see the lake in the winter when there aren't any leaves on the trees.) Riley has always enjoyed the playground and Shelby has continued to walk and run there.

Yesterday we put a new twist on things though. Yes, we made a trip over to the playground...but this time via the water!

When we bought our kayak we bought a set of wheels to attach to it to help in getting it from the car to the water. Well, I'm happy to say they make for an easy trip to and from the lake as well! Some pictures and video:

Nice Stroller, huh?


The king on his palanquin...

Mama and her boy, ready to hit the water

We took a trip around the side of the lake, checked out the yacht club and got a totally different view of Jordan's Furniture. Riley was splashing in the water as always, and I pressed the button on the camera incorrectly or you'd get to see what would have been a great and very animated video...oh well.

Daddy and his kayak boy

We headed to the opposite side of the lake for our trip to the playground. A fun way to make that trip:

The playground approaches

We were met by a family that had a one year old girl who was fascinated by the kayak. Riley, of course, made a bee line for the slides. Our daredevil boy now goes for the steepest, fastest slide available. And of course, he goes head first...

The FAST slide

Next it was off to the swings...

We headed back via the sidewalk from the playground. It's amazing how easy it is to cart this thing around on pavement. Honestly, except for the size it's probably easier than a stroller. I think Riley enjoys it more too...

That may be our last kayaking for the season. We're happy we made the purchase and I think we'll be getting a lot more use out of it in the future. You can't beat being able to walk to the water. It makes living where we do a lot more fun!


1 comment:

Murry said...

what a great time!