Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the mall

I am not a lover of "The Mall". I go when I have to (for apparel, since try to I buy everything else on line) and I stay just as long as necessary. Too many people and too exhausting. I like to wear new clothes, but don't enjoy the hunt for them.

However, after a several years of spending on my boy, it became clear that I needed to update my wardrobe a bit. With Christmas and birthday money, I have been getting reacquainted with our local mall on days when I could leave Riley with Jonathan.

On my last shopping trip to Burlington Mall, I discovered a new play area for the kids near the cafeteria. So tonight Riley and I went to pick up my newly-altered business suit (thanks Mom & Dad!) and afterward, Riley got to play in the kids area:

Riley enjoyed playing with the "older"kids:

We probably stayed an hour...he would have stayed longer. He was running around, squealing, climbing over the toy boat, car & rocket ship having a great time. This will be a familiar place for us to hang this winter, I think.

Much better than an hour of "tee" (TV), don't you think?


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