Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year's fun

We had plans to ring in the new year with friends, but we got hit by a storm and had to postpone until today. So we enjoyed New Year's lunch at Ken and Lisa's house, along with Dagmar and James. Dagmar is due to give birth to baby Juliana in the next few weeks -- this may be one of their last social events for a little while!

Ken & Lisa's daughter Cecelia is about a year older than Riley and she was a very good host. Cece shared her toys with Riley, pushed him on her bike and fed him chocolate chips. Riley had a great time and both kids did well with no nap.

Playing in Cece's kitchen...James wanted to play too

Cece eating a plastic orange and then sharing her choco chips with Riley

Riley sitting in the doll stroller & riding Cece's bike (note her hot pink helmet that he wanted to wear!)

Ken dancing with the kids and then teaching us a fun board game:

Riley loves an audience -- Cece thought he was funny:

Riley practiced his spinning while Cece showed her ballet moves. He blows at kiss at the very end:

Happy New Year!


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