Saturday, April 25, 2009

bikes, sea, sun and fun on the cape

The weather is finally turning nice here in Massachusetts. The first summer like weather of the year arrived in time for the weekend. Amazingly we didn't have something planned. So we were able to pack up the bikes and head to the Cape.

For those who are not from New England, if you say you're heading to the Cape it means one thing: Cape Cod. The Cape is home to a number of beautiful beaches and also to the 22 mile long Cape Cod Rail Trail. Being lovers of both cycling and the beach it can make for a perfect day. Some pictures:

Daddy and Riley moving out on the trail

Riley has fun reading about yummy sushi

Our destination: Marconi Beach

One of the things that Shelby and I have always had in common is our deep and abiding love of the beach. This, however, was not shared by our boy last year. He wasn't a fan of the textures produced by sand. So we were wondering how he would take to the beach now that he's a little older. Fortunately much has changed...

One small step for a boy, one giant leap for family beach time!

Once on the beach it was time for lunch. Hard riding makes for hungry parents. So we sat for a bit:

Riley and Mama enjoy lunch


Riley not only loved the sand, he loved the WATER. All 46 degrees of it! (Ouch!) Some playtime pictures:

Beach = Good


Beach Boy

Beach Boy and Girl

Playing in the sand with Mam

Burying Riley's feet

In the water with Mama:

In the water with Daddy:

This picture brings me indescribable joy:

Cold feet, happy boy

Riley is never one to miss out on toys, no matter where or whose. He's also not a shy boy most of the time. So when he spied the sand toys of some kids who were alongside us he went into action. At first he tried to make it look like he was 'just walking around the beach' as he got closer and closer to where the toys were. Then he dropped all presences.

Objective achieved

My new friends!

Finally it was time to head back to the car. Mama gets Riley ready in a picturesque spot:

We got back on the trail figuring that the wind, which was in our face on the way out, would be at our back on the way back. WRONG! The wind shifted and was now in our face again. The trail was also slightly uphill for most of the way back. So essentially we had an 11 mile climb back to the car. Not as much fun as being able to crank it up on the way back, but good for burning a few extra calories...if you're looking for a tougher workout that is. I wasn't.

All the hard work left Riley very thirsty at the end

It was a great day overall. There are few things I enjoy more than a day where I go cycling and also hit the beach. With Riley the beach has become more fun than ever, even if we have to constantly work to keep him out of the water...

We love our Beach Boy!


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