Sunday, May 31, 2009

going to alaska

Once again we're off to visit Shelby's family in Anchorage. Her brother Brian and his family will be there as well this time, so we'll have the chance to see all of her family this year.

A trip like this is a little more challenging with a toddler. And now that Riley is two we have to get him a seat. No more traveling with him on our laps and hoping for a free seat to open up in between us. Thankfully between our airline miles and Shelby's parent's we were able to fly on mileage tickets this time around.

We had an early flight and a four am wake up. Always joyful. Riley loves the airport and is getting better with his airport gymnastics, especially since the 'high bar' is higher in this terminal:

He's also gotten more accomplished at seat climbing:

Fortunately the people in the seats behind always find him to be cute. It is a long trip though, and he does get extremely antsy (the saying 'ants in his pants' is VERY apt.) Videos do help. Here he is watching Blue's Clues with Mama:

We arrived in Anchorage at about 3:30 pm local time (7:30 EDT.) Just about Riley's bedtime on a normal day (this day was NOT normal though, as he NEVER naps on a trip.) He was wired for sound though, and was ready to play with Grammy and Poppa. A good thing, because he had a present waiting for him...Grammy and Poppa made him his own house!

Poppa spent some serious time building this beautiful little playhouse, and Grammy did a wonderful job of outfitting the inside with kitchen gear and utensils. Some pictures:

Riley in the house

A boys' kitchen work is never done

Riley serves Poppa a drink

We've spent the last couple of days trying to recover from the travel and adjusting to time zones. Riley woke up at 3 am local time yesterday morning... He woke at 5 am today but then went back to sleep after about an hour. Hopefully we'll all sleep more normally tonight.

More from the Great White North later!


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