Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today marked Riley's second birthday. It's absolutely amazing how much has gone on in the last two years and also how fast the time has seemed to go by.

We wanted to celebrate in a BIG way for this birthday, so we decided to have a big party at Perpetual Motion, the really cool indoor playground we've blogged about in the past.

To say the place was a hit is putting it mildly. The kids loved the place (duh) and a bunch of the parents who hadn't been there before were thankful for learning about the place. They'll be getting a bunch more business there during the heat of the summer I bet.

Most of the story is best told in photos and video, so here goes...

The kids LOVE the ball pit

Bouncy stuff is fun

Bike + Merry Go Round is also a big hit

Riley and Zac rock the boat

I really enjoyed watching Riley chase an ice cube around

Soon it was time for cupcakes and singing. Riley seemed to be a little uneasy about the singing and the fact that everyone was looking at him. Until the clapping that is. Then he was genuinely pleased.

Riley claps too

Then came the time I look forward to most, the utter abandon of a young child eating a cupcake. Some pictures of the carnage:

Riley looked like he was just inhaling his cupcake

There was VERY little left over afterward though, a big difference from last year

Pictures of all the other kids...

A couple of nice shots of everyone at the table

It amazed us that on a holiday weekend (it was Memorial Day Weekend) everyone we invited was able to attend. It made for quite a party as you can see!

Afterward we dropped by the Burlington Mall with our friends Jon and Oil and their kids Zippy and Zac. Chic-Fil-A was the treat for lunch and then a little more playtime in the play area there. Here's a picture of Riley and Zac playing in a 'car' there.

Behind them you can see a kid who later made the mistake of physically shoving Riley out of the back seat of the car onto the floor. I think everyone (including me) was surprised at the speed of my reaction. The kid was totally shocked to have an adult in his face so quickly. Riley was unhurt, but very surprised to suddenly be on the floor.

I'll end with a couple of pictures, a contrast of years. He's gotten so big!

One hour old

One year old


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