Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Let the inducements begin…

I saw my midwives today and got the go-ahead to have a prostaglandin gel applied on Thursday morning to ripen the cervix and see if that helps to start up my contractions. Looks like all those Braxton-Hicks contractions have helped to dilate me 2 cm so far and Riley’s head is right down there where it needs to be.

Since I’m still retaining fluid and my uterus is measuring large so they ordered another u/s to check my amniotic fluid levels (again!). Fortunately, I’m still in the upper end of the normal range. They also did another non-stress test (monitoring Riley’s movements and heart rate) and he was a textbook case. That’s my boy!

My elevated BP may cause a change in plans regarding the hoped-for water birth at the birth center. They said that if my BP gets above 140/90 during labor they will want to transfer me to the hospital for the remainder of my labor. So, even if we can get labor going without drugs, I’m preparing myself for the possibility of a hospital birth. Since the goal is a healthy mom and baby in the end, I think I can live with that.

Stay tuned…



Lisa said...

Hang in there. Sounds like he is on his way. Lisa

Gretchen said...

I am praying for you, Jonathan and Riley. May He give you rest and peace right now.
