Thursday, May 17, 2007


I had two doses of prostaglandin gel applied today about 6 hours apart. I noticed some mild cramping with the first application; the second application the cramping was more intense. Before the second application the midwife said that my cervix was still 2 cm dilated and that I was 70% effaced. The cramping has since settled down a bit, but my entire uterus is rock hard and it’s difficult to walk fully upright. So we wait to see when Riley’s going to give the signals to start the serious labor contractions.

J said that he had difficulty staying focused at work today, wondering if I was going to call. He said he felt like he was high on caffeine. Since I’m still a week away from my due date (and boys tend to avoid early arrivals, I hear), I’m not entirely surprised Riley didn’t respond immediately to our latest invitation to join the outside world.

So, I guess I’ll be watching more episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to stay entertained.


1 comment:

Kim said...

Just a quick note to tell everyone that reads the Berg Blogger that little Riley is the absolute sweetest!! I have had the pleasure of taking care of this wonderful family and look forward to keeping up with all the updates as he leaves us here at Childrens. I cant wait to see the parents today and fill them in on all the news!. Kim