Friday, September 21, 2007

an anniversary of sorts…

J reminded me last night that it was 1 year ago that we found out I was pregnant – he remembered the date was Sept 20th. The next nine months weren’t always fun (esp. at the end), but I knew my child would be worth it. Now that Riley’s here, I can say that I underestimated the amount of joy I would derive from being a mom. “Mom” is a title that still seems a bit foreign to me, but I’m slowly getting used to it.

Today when I drove up to Diane’s house, the kids were out in the yard playing and I heard Jack (2) & Kylie (3) call out “Riley’s mom!” to announce my arrival. It struck me that I’m known by many different names:

Sweetie to Jonathan

Baby Girl to my parents

Shelbonzo/Bonzo/Bonz to my Nashville friends

Shelbs to my Maine cousins (and a few Bostonians)

Shelby to everyone else

But being Mama to Riley puts a smile on my face like nothin’ else.

My friend Kristen (Mama to Nate) posted these lyrics on her blog this week and I thought I’d pass them on to y’all:

our vows they started breathing

and they took on flesh and blood

and we held them in our arms

and tasted God was good

Amen and amen,


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