Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Riley-boy is 4 months old!

The big change from last month to this one has already been reported – he rolls from his back to his belly now. Unfortunately, he doesn’t like tummy time unless it’s on the boppy, so he starts squawking to help as soon as that happens. Goofy kid.

His ability to grab toys, hang on to them and stick them in his mouth is much better now. His favorite objects to suck or chew on are still his fingers however. They’re in his mouth more often than not.

He’s talking, smiling and giggling for us a lot and he’s got ticklish spots on his tummy and neck which mommy and daddy like to exploit!

He continues to sleep well from 7p to 6a as long as he’s put in bed with a full tummy. Sometimes he needs to be “re-binked”, which we will work on weaning him of in the coming months.

He eats 5x a day approx every 3.5 hours. At his doctor’s appt today, he weighed in at 12.5 lbs, which puts him in the 10th (!) percentile. I’ve been concerned about this as I’m not producing the quantity of milk that the books say he should be eating. He hasn’t been cranky about it, but now that I know he’s lagging in weight gain, I’m starting to supplement the deficit with formula. This afternoon, after finishing off 8oz (3oz more than usual), he just sat back and relaxed like a satisfied man after Thanksgiving dinner. That’s my good-eatin’ boy!

He enjoys playtime with Daddy after I leave for work in the morning:

In the afternoons we enjoy our walks around Lake Quannapowitt.

He’s still unable to sit up straight, hence getting the monthly shot right took a few tries:

What a difference three months can make...

We love our boy!


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