Sunday, April 13, 2008

a visit from uncle dave and cousin daron

Last week, we received our first visitors in our new home -- my brother Dave and nephew Daron. They were marking Daron's 13th birthday with a trip to NYC, so they stopped by Boston for a few days as well. Riley enjoyed having them around as we did:

Dave took us to the Museum of Science (I forgot to bring my camera!) and I can report that Riley stayed in good spirits for the entire 6 hours that we were out and about. It was cold and rainy that day and I used the Kelty backpack carrier for the first time and with success. He didn't seem to mind the rain too much as we walked to and from the train stations. Riley enjoyed the Museum's Discovery Center which is made for kids under 5. Afterwards, we watched an IMAX movie on the Alps which thankfully, didn't make him want to toss his milk.

We enjoy seeing my far-flung family (Seattle, New Zealand, Alaska) whenever possible. 2008 has been a good year for Browning family visits -- mom came in February, Dave in April and Brian will be visiting next month from New Zealand. We're looking forward to his visit.

In other news, Riley has a bulge where his top two teeth should be coming in and so we're on tooth watch. He had a fever a few days ago and has been scrunchy and out of sorts since then. J's been giving him chiropractic care to deal with what appears to be an ear infection, in hopes to avoid antibiotics. More on that later...



Holly said...

ok, this has nothing to do with this post but I couldn't find where to access your profile for your e-mail!
could you e-mail me your address? I have some ?'s about you know what!

hollypanter at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

I love the look on Riley face in the first picture. LC