Saturday, May 3, 2008


I realized after I was cleaning up the spaghetti mess from a couple of days ago that I haven't taken any bath pictures since Riley had his first bath at home. He tolerated his bath for the first 9 months and when I finally bought him his first bath toys, he began to see it as an extension of playtime. We have baseball duckie and some assorted sea animals that also make great teething toys.

You can see all three of his teeth in this shot:

He's particularly fond of the stingray (notice the spaghetti sauce stain on his eyebrow!):

Uncle Brian is here from New Zealand for a two day visit. Riley is enjoying the additional audience member. I'll post those pics later this weekend.

Riley's other upper tooth looks like it's about to push through any day...

Lastly, it appears that we'll have to transition Riley to one nap as his morning nap is interfering with his ability to nap in the afternoon with the other daycare kids. Since he seems to do fine as long as he has has toys to play with, it may not be an issue. He is however napping this morning before our big day in Boston with Brian.

More later...


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