Tuesday, May 20, 2008

gated community

Having a now very mobile boy, our house has become what I refer to as a 'gated community. ' We finally had to get gates up to keep our active and extremely curious boy from doing himself in. Riley has responded pretty much as you would expect...he stands at the gates shaking them and yelling "Aaaaaahhhhh!" Our sense of safety and security is his sense of being caged.... It does mean that we don't have to put him in the Pack 'N Play when we want him to be safe any more. Now he can go into the living room and have full access to all of his toys. Some pictures and video, and you may notice a theme here...

Bottom of the stairs

Living Room / Playroom

Top of Stairs

I love how you can actually see the arm motion in the first picture... And now the video:

We love our safe and caged in boy!


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