Friday, September 5, 2008


We started taking family bike rides a while back. Riley is safely strapped into the bike trailer, but he will be safer if he is also wearing a helmet. With our boy's safety in mind Shelby went out about a month and a half ago and bought a cute, mini bike helmet. I set it up to fit him correctly and we tried it out...and he hated it. (Crying, pulling at the helmet and trying to rip it off his head.)

For just about all of his fifteen months Riley has hated having anything on his head. This has particularly concerned us when our extra-super-fair boy has been in the sun. He won't wear hats either. Fortunately sunscreen has worked. When we're biking it's even more of a safety issue though.

So imagine Shelby's surprise yesterday when suddenly Riley comes up to her wanting to put his helmet on. And then he doesn't want to take it off! A sudden and unexpected change. Not only does he want to wear his helmet, but he insists that mama and daddy wear theirs too. We happily accommodate his request to encourage this new interest of his.

So first, Riley heads off to the park with Mama to show off the new head gear:

Mama got some video of our very confident walking boy showing off his new apparel:

Daddy and Riley need to wear their helmets when they play:

This, of course, is just another part of my master plan to develop a future mountain bike riding partner. So far, so good...

At daycare today, Diane told Shelby that Riley made a beeline to the helmets there too. I guess it's not just bike helmets that have captured his interest.

So nice to see you wearing your helmet Riley! Bye Bye!


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