Saturday, September 6, 2008

the ollie

Hi everybody, this is Riley. Mama is tired from her race and Daddy needs a rest too, so I'm going to write this one.

Today we went to a place called Southie where people run in a race. Mama was going to run with them. They called the race the Ollie.

Daddy and I went to be Mama's support team. It was important for us to be there! First we went to watch Mama start the race. Here's a picture of her starting:

Daddy and I thought she looked really good and strong at the start, even though it was really hot and muggy from the rain we had this morning.

Mama ran to where we couldn't see her any more, so Daddy and I had to wait for her to get back. We went back to the Pavilion to wait.

While we were waiting Daddy got me out of my stroller so I could walk around. I'm wearing my new camo sneakers that Grandma Berg got me. Aren't they cool?

I walked around a corner and right into a puddle. It splashed when I stepped in it! I didn't know what to do, so I just stood looking at the water until Daddy came to help me:

After that we went back to the pavilion and I got to watch a rock band set up. It was cool!

I got really excited and wanted to play the drums. Here's a video:

I love music. Mama and Daddy hope I'll be a drummer some day. That sounds like fun.

It was getting close to the end of the race for Mama, so we needed to get to the finish line to cheer her on and help her after the race. On the way out a nice lady gave me a bell to ring for Mama. I loved the bell!

I had a really good view of the road Mama was going to come down. I couldn't see her yet though. Come on Mama! I'm here to help you!

Then I could see her coming. Yay for Mama! She's running really fast!

After the race we got to have yogurt, grape juice, a hamburger and a thing called a Power Bar. Yum! I got to sit with Mama and help her celebrate.

I heard Mama say that she ran the whole race (five miles, WOW!) at a 9:27 minute per mile pace. She was much faster than last year. She ran it in under 48 minutes! I wish I could run that fast. I bet she gets faster from running after me all the time. I'll make sure she gets lots of practice for next year!

The race was really fun. Mama hopes it's not so hot and humid next time. All of Mama's clothes were wet after the race. At least this year they had plenty of water while she was running though. I had a great time. Before we went home Mama and Daddy said there was just one more thing to do. Daddy needed to give me a tickle!

I love races. Maybe I'll be a runner like Mama some day!

I love my Mama and Daddy!



Kristen said...

Riley, your mama's a hottie!

The Bergs said...

You've got that right!
