Wednesday, September 3, 2008

8 years ago today...

...I arrived in Maine for the start of my new life. My friend John was kind enough to accompany me on the 21 hour drive from Nashville to Portland. Having never been to New England, it was step of faith, but one that I had felt led to make for several years, despite the great life I had in TN.

John and I stopped in New Hampshire for a lunch break before crossing over the Pisquataqua River into Maine:

As Providence would have it, my cousin Jon, his wife Julie and 2 yr old daughter Erica moved there from Dayton three months earlier. As neither of us knew anyone in Maine, we were grateful to have each other for company.

Enjoying the view of Camden from the top of Mt. Battie on the way up to Acadia:

You know how when you live in one place you get stuck in a lifestyle rut? I wanted a simpler life where my main form of fun involved being outdoors and enjoying God's creation. I wanted four seasons and to not be stifled by the heat in my outdoor pursuits. I wanted "Alaska" without the isolation (and the bears!).

In Maine, I had a gorgeous "backyard" with coast and woods nearby. I took full advantage of it and cruised all over the state, going down the various peninsulas to the coastal villages and hiking with my cousins in the White Mountains of NH.

My first Christmas card from Maine featured my favorite lighthouse (the one featured in the Labor Day blog)

During my short time there, I met some great friends like Tom and Leah Cornwell (see Aug 17th blog), Cathy Lyden & Jenn Bliss. I took advantage of a Mobile gas promotion and learned to downhill ski and took XC ski lessons from the folks at LL Bean:

Cathy and I at Sunday River:

XC skiing with Cathy and a group of singles from First Baptist Church:

Beaching it with the Cornwells:

Jenn and I at the Yarmouth Clam Festival:

Picnics on the coast were awesome... we celebrated Erica's 3rd birthday at the Portland Head Light:

Though I wasn't alone, there was plenty of alone time during the 16 months I lived in Portland -- I used to sit for hours on the coast and pray that the Lord would give me a family of my own one day. In the midst of my heartache, God gave me His art to enjoy and I think I was better able to appreciate its beauty because of the sorrow. I look back on that time as a very special period of my life.

I have been able to show Jonathan all of my favorite places in Maine and I look forward to introducing them to Riley as he gets older. Sort of like bringing it all full circle, I guess. Maybe some day I'll get to live there, but for now, I'll be grateful that it's only an hour away.


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