Sunday, November 16, 2008

boy's weekend

It was actually a girl's weekend. Shelby went to PA to hang out with her closest friends from her Nashville days. So starting Thursday morning it was time for the men to cut loose. Dishes all over, walking around in our underwear, sports on know, men stuff.

Actually, there was none of that. Thursday and Friday were pretty much business as usual, except that Daddy picked Riley up about two hours later than usual at day care. I understand that my boy does best when he keeps to his regular schedule, so that's what we did.

Saturday was a different ballgame altogether. Riley slept in...really! I heard him once at about 6:30 (a fairly usual wake up time) and rolled over on my back knowing that his talking would soon have me entirely awake. Then next thing I knew it was 8:35 and he was still asleep! I ended up going in and waking him up at 8:40. Nice way to start a weekend. We spent some time hanging out and playing at home. Riley enjoyed watching the Bob the Builder videos I got him on iTunes while he ate breakfast, and then we made the rounds of toys, drawing with the crayons Alecia gave him for his birthday and Riley putting my guitar pick into the soundhole in the guitar (which for some reason always makes me laugh...which is of course why he does it over and over...) Sometimes he actually strums the guitar. Sometimes.

Riley presented me with a couple of surprises this weekend both having to do with his new found love of climbing. First, after looking away from him for about 45 seconds I turned to find him sitting on top of the dining room table with a pear in one hand and his other index finger stuck into it. Why was that something he needed to do? The second lovely surprise was that he could climb into his high chair:

Almost there

I'm up so high!

The king speaks

After lunch I had wanted to go out for a mountain bike ride with him, but the rainy ugly conditions made that a no go. We needed something for an active boy, so we headed to Bonkers. Some pictures and video:

Sitting in what I call the Keebler Tree

Face plant - thankfully it's soft

The climb up to the bigger slide

Bigger slide - face first of course...

Smaller slide - it starts with him pointing to bikes hanging from the ceiling (good boy)

I got a kick out of the place. I can't wait to go back when he's bigger and play on the big stuff.

Sunday we were off to church and then for the final 50th birthday celebration in the group of my friends from Springfield College. Riley took to the Olive Garden well and as is usual ended up being the center of attention, even if it was Mike D's birthday. At least he's on Mike's lap in this picture and no, it wasn't staged:

All in all it was fun male bonding weekend. I love spending time with my son and he seems to enjoy it too. I can say that we both missed Mama though. It's really good to have her back home.

I love my fun boy!



lee lee said...

i love that rather than stopping his climb on the high chair, you recorded it for posterity. :)

The Bergs said...

I'm all about recording for posterity. As long as I don't think he'll be seriously injured. I was a little afraid here... Climbing scares the crap out of me.
