Friday, March 20, 2009

'christmas' trip

If you follow our blog you know that we made a valiant but fruitless attempt to get to Washington to see Shelby's family at Christmas. Since that didn't work out we rescheduled for this week.

So on Wednesday we set off for the land of eternal misty raininess. Fortunately we didn't go for the weather. Our trip started with an early morning at Logan Airport. Riley enjoyed the sights:

He loved pointing to the planes...then pointing to the moon and saying, "Moon!"

Riley had a great view of the people working on the planes

More gymnastics practice


Once we got on the first of two planes for the day Riley enjoyed looking out the window again as we got ready to take off.

Mama had the window seat

The actual travel time was less fun, but even so our boy is a trooper. He was squirmy and didn't want to sit still (big surprise) but even so was really pretty good.

Getting comfy...not so comfy for the person in the seat he's kicking though.

Seat Climbing

The first leg was only about two hours long. Riley was pretty wound up though and we were worried about how the second leg was going to go since it was over four hours long. Fatigue caught up with him a little (fortunately) although he wouldn't sleep. He sat still for a while when I was drawing pictures for him. Then we brought out the secret weapon...Blue.

Drawing with Daddy


Momma holding the DVD player

We finally arrived in Seattle and started off for Burlington. Our tired boy wouldn't sleep, but instead practiced some head banging:

We got to Dave and Kristyn's house at about 5 and Riley enjoyed spending time with the family despite the fatigue.

Hanging with Poppa and Daddy

And then with Erika, Grammy and Mama

Playing with Grammy

Rolling on the big ball with Uncle Dave

Riding Poppa-back:

This took a day to happen, Molly had to calm down and Riley had to warm up to her:

We're starting to get over the jet lag, Riley woke up at 3:45 am the first night and 5 am today, so he's getting better...fortunately he went back to sleep (after a while) both times.

The weather has been OK and we've been enjoying family time. Riley has been enjoying the extra attention. We'll leave you with Riley enjoying his favorite passtime:


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