Sunday, March 29, 2009

washington (by Riley)

Hi everyone, this is Riley. Mama and Daddy are still tired from our trip (and our bike ride yesterday) so I'm going to write this one.

I had so much fun last week when we went to see our family in Washington. It's far away! We had to take TWO planes to get there it's so far. I love planes.

I want to tell you all about our trip. It was really cool! I don't get to see my family out there very often, but it's really fun when I do! I'm mostly going to show you pictures and videos. I love watching videos! Here we go...

Poppa always has really cool pens in his pocket. He lets me play with them whenever I want!

Grammy and I did a puzzle. It was a lot harder than the puzzles I have at home! I love puzzles though.

We went to see friends one day and had to drive in the car. On the way back Grammy played a really fun game with me!

There was lots of basketball on TV! I watched with Uncle Dave.

I like trying on big people's shoes. They're fun to walk in. Here's a picture and a video of me with different shoes on:

There were all sorts of balls in the front yard of Uncle Dave and Aunt Kristyn's house. Balls are one of my favorite toys! Here I am marching with one.

There was a cat next door that was really friendly. Did you know cats go, "Meow"? I love cats.

I love dogs too. Did you know they go, "Ruff, Ruff"?
Uncle Dave and Aunt Kristyn have a dog named Molly. She's really fun to play with! Here's a video of us playing:

I got a really cool new toy. It's a bear that has a light in it! And it roars! It's really fun so I turn it on over and over again!

There were so many exciting things to do. But sometimes I just had to relax and watch Blues Clues. I love Blue!

I love my cousin Jenna. She's so much fun!

Mama, Daddy, Jenna, Uncle Dave and I took a trip in the car one day. We went to a park by the water! I got to throw rocks in the water and then go on a slide!

Grammy and I read books together. We both love to read!

I loved the boat in the mall play area. Except when I got caught in it head down. That wasn't fun. It was fun after that though!

Daddy and I went to the Children's Museum in the mall. What a cool place! There were balls that floated in the air, turtles, water I could play in, funny balls that rolled down ramps and all sorts of other stuff. And...I got to drive a truck! I did this more than just one time because I liked it best!

Here's a special seat just the right size for me. It was in the Men's Room, but I wanted to sit in it!

I was working the crane. These buttons made lights come on!

Bob the Builder wears a hat just like this!

I got to steer a boat!

Daddy made sure I had my life preserver on!

When I got back home Mama gave me chocolate ice cream. Yum!

I had my first Crispy Creme doughnut. Mama said it was special. I thought it was yummy!

The next day Poppa brought popcorn back from the movies. I liked that too!

What a fun trip! I was really sad to leave. But I got to go on TWO more planes on the way home! I was so excited I could hardly keep still! Well, except when Blue or Bob were on the DVD. I pay attention to important stuff. Mama and Daddy thought that I might sleep on the way home since it got really late. It was too exciting though! I didn't sleep until we were in the car on the way home.

I can't wait to go to Washington again. My family is really fun! See you soon everybody!


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