Unlike a lot of dads out there I have a schedule that gives me a lot of time with my son. I'm the one who has him until about 12:30 every day. This along with the occasional weekend trip to my Mom's house (giving Shelby a 'Mom's Day Off') leads to a lot of what I call, "Daddy time."
It's funny, I hear a lot of parents say that they look forward to some peace and quiet once their kids go to bed. I can honestly say that I have never had that thought. I'm always bummed out when it's Riley's bed time. Now I understand that I do have a very EASY boy. Riley is very low maintenance. But even so, I'm continually surprised at how much I like spending time with him.
Last weekend Riley and I took a trip down to CT to see my Mom while Shelby enjoyed the aforementioned day on her own. Since Riley and I are both extroverts, this means that even in the car there is a fair amount of interaction:
For the sake of those who I know will be wondering, yes my eyes were on the road except for occasional glances in the baby mirror, and I just guessed at where I was pointing the camera. It was also a very straight, traffic free section of highway. Oh, and unlike most men I am an excellent multi-tasker...
Once at Mom's house Riley had to have a drink...but not of his own water. Grandma's bottle was much better.
We went to Dock n' Dine, a favorite local restaurant for lunch. It's located right on the bank of the Connecticut River. Here's a video of Riley walking in with Mom. He was fascinated with the seagulls. (I actually like this video just because I think he looks so cute walking with Mom.)
It was a fun trip and Mom always enjoys getting a chance to see her youngest grandchild.
The ball pit was wonderful...and terrifying. It was filled up deeply with balls which made it great for jumping into; which also made it terrifying to watch as all the kids who were bigger than Riley just barely missed landing on top of him. I yanked him out of the thing three different times so he wouldn't get hurt. It was way too much fun not to go back to though.
The only other dicey moment (and one I caught on video. No, it will stay in the archives for now...) was when a little girl who was playing in the 'kitchen' alongside Riley got sick of him opening the cabinets (she ran around behind him closing them) and bopped him on the head with a plastic fry pan. Her mom immediately stepped in (the girl was going back at him) and stopped it. Riley was unhurt...
Riley is a great one for climbing and crawling through things. This is a photo only Daddy would love of him climbing through our small stepladder:
Riley has these blow up 'ears' that came with his pool. There is a pair for him and a pair for me which I would put on both of us. For a long time he'd just knock his off and then pull mine off. After a while though he wanted us both to have them on. Here's a shot of him with not only the ears, but his bike helmet which he also loves to wear (and likewise wants Daddy's to be worn.)
When Shelby was away with friends for a long weekend last year I got this shot of Riley on his high chair. It's amazing how quickly he got up there; I was in the room with him. It wasn't like I had walked off or something. Our friend Alecia commented at the time that she enjoyed the fact that I didn't just run over and take him down (it was at least a little dangerous...) Instead I grabbed the camera. I wasn't really that worried...
One of the main features of our morning together is breakfast. I used to play Bob the Builder videos for Riley while he ate (he LOVES Bob.) I missed the interaction I had with him though, because he zones out when he watches videos. So I started using the Webshots screensaver on the computer instead. There are over 1300 pictures loaded in that it shuffles through randomly. Pictures of Riley, his family, and of course, BIKES! He points to each of the bike pictures and says, "Bike!" Daddy tells him about how he can't wait to ride with him in Moab some day...
I always spend some time cleaning the kitchen in the morning before I make my lunch for work. Riley is at my feet for a large portion of that time. It's funny, but it doesn't bother me at all when he is continually underfoot. And I actually get kind of a kick out of the Fridge DJ... Usually he enjoys closing the dishwasher on me over and over and over as I try to load / unload it. One morning he just decided to take it apart.
Last but not least, this afternoon Riley and I were playing in the living room while Shelby was doing something in the main room. He was getting a toy out of the toy organizer when he somehow got tripped up and ended up stuck sitting in his drum as you see here. Of course I got the camera first (he wasn't hurt or unhappy or anything...)
Because of the loooooonnnnngggg wait I had before I finally found my wonderful wife and then had my sweet son, I think I'm a little more aware of how precious the time I have with them is. I intend to enjoy every second that I can have with them, in fact I savor that time. There can never really be enough Daddy Time for me. I am so thankful for what I get though.
Life is good.
I love my wife and boy.
Thank you Lord.
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