Sunday, May 17, 2009

boy's weekend - 2

Shelby was away on a women's church retreat this weekend, so it was another boy's weekend. Actually a long weekend this time, since Shelby wasn't around to pick Riley up from daycare on Friday. So Riley went to work with Daddy Friday.

Riley loves coming to the office with me. Being an extrovert like his Dad he has a ball with all of the different people he sees over the course of the day. He also gets to spend some time playing with kids who come in.

Reading with Cassaundra (Or Kaz as she is called...)

'Playing' with Trevor:

This time around Riley helped me adjust patients (it's really fun when he comes over and pats them with his hands), handed ice packs to people, and helped me to clean up the place. It's really cute and he is thoroughly enjoyed by all. Riley is high energy and in good spirits the entire time, regardless of having no nap...he does pass out once we get in the car to come home though.

So Friday was fun as usual. Saturday was going to be a lot less structured, but still full of action. We hung out around the house in the morning and then headed off for the main event of the day: a bike ride. We went to Harold Parker SF for a change (we usually ride at Lynn Woods) and Riley got to go for his first mountain bike ride on his new bike:

Riley RIDES!

Done riding...

Then it was time for Daddy to get on his bike and pull Riley around. I can tell that I never ride fire roads at HP; they are full of hills covered with gravel and lots of protruding rocks. No way I would have taken the trailer there if I had known. It was still fun though, if a bit slow and very bumpy for my boy. A couple of shots:

Soup is Yummy, Soap is Yucky.


After riding it was off to Home Depot. I'd successfully avoided doing yard work of any kind for well over a year until we hit leaf season last fall. Even with that it was maybe an hour worth of work clearing the yard. Today, however, was a day that I was not looking forward to: I bought a lawn mower.

After lunch for both of us and a failed attempt to get Riley to nap (he was shaking the cage for over an hour) it was time to go out and get the thing put together and running. Riley thought that the mower was fascinating...until I started it. Here's what he looked like then:

As far from the mower as he was able to get. Smart boy!

The lawn is a postage stamp, so it didn't take long. Riley came out into the yard eventually, but never got too close. I'm glad for that since I was hoping to do the lawn while he napped...

While he didn't like the mower, Riley did like the big box it came in:

The boy knows how to take a picture

Hands up high!


After mowing the lawn we rewarded ourselves with some playtime in the back yard. Eventually we had to move it indoors. Riley spent a little quality time with bike stuff:

Future bike mechanic at work

Learning about his tools

Sunday morning was uneventful. Off to church and then back home for lunch and playtime until Mama got home. The afternoon was spent hanging out watching videos and enjoying some family time. It's always good to have Mama back. Riley and I have a good time on these weekends, but we miss Mama.

We're glad she's back home.


1 comment:

Shelby said...

Mama is glad to be back!