Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Our trips to Anchorage are mostly full of hanging out with family and friends, especially since Riley came into the picture. Even so, there's usually a little time for some more active things to be put into the schedule. This time around Shelby and I took advantage of the free babysitting to hike Flattop.

Flattop is a small mountain on the outskirts of Anchorage and is part of the Alaska State Park system. For those of you who are used to using the state parks in other areas of the country, keep in mind that what you'll be seeing is within the Anchorage city limits. And for those who did youth work with me, there were church youth groups on the mountain. This is a youth group activity there. Alaska is very different than the lower 48...

Shelby and I hiked Flattop when we visited in 2006. I remember enjoying MOST of the hike, but hating the last little bit on the way up and the first little bit on the way down. Fortunately I've either toughened up a bit or we took an easier route this time. I'm somewhat crazy on a mountain bike, but a rock climber I'll never be.

The weather was absolutely flawless, even at the top. The last time cold winds were howling up top. This time it was comfortable and we were able to enjoy taking pictures. The trail was mostly dry and dusty, but there was actually a bit of snow here and there. Some pictures:

Shelby in the snow

You can tell by the look on my face I'm just barely tolerating the snow

Snow covered with volcanic ash

The trail sign just before the hardest part; there were small kids and dogs at the top

Shelby climbing

Me climbing

Flowers in the rocks

There were a few other climbers...

Shelby and I at the top

Alaska is just plain big

Video from the top

A perfect day for a hike and some amazing scenery. And I never felt like I was going to die. Unlike last time. I'll be looking forward to taking Riley someday. Not as soon as the Alaskans take their kids...I bet he'd like the climbing even now though.


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