Tuesday, September 8, 2009

labor day weekend

Labor Day weekend is normally a time for us to travel a bit. This year was no different. Several times before we've taken a trip that began in CT visiting my family and ended in the Big Apple giving Shelby a fix for her New York City addiction. This year was the first time we did the trip with a toddler...Riley would get his first taste of New York.

We started by spending a couple of low key and fairly restful days visiting my Mom in Old Saybrook. Here are a couple of pictures:

Grandma reading Riley's new "Cars" book

Riley helped Grandma collect acorns from the yard

On Saturday afternoon we headed off to Stamford, CT where we'd be staying the nights. We met up with our friends the Zivans who were coming along for a taste of NYC with toddlers...they have two.

We made a trip to the Stamford Mall for a quick dinner and some playtime for the kids. Stamford has the coolest mall playground we've seen yet:

The boys and Taz

Our precious flowers

Then it was back to the hotel. No late nights out with the kids...although the playground was still filling up at 8:30 pm as we were leaving. Who can figure. Our kids got ready for bed and then Shelby read them a bedtime story.

Nice to see the kids riveted to the Rhyme Bible Storybook

The next morning it was off to the big city. The kids enjoyed the trip in on the train. The conductor was really cool. He came back and asked if the kids would like a chance to blow the train's horn. Riley did, but seemed a bit freaked out and was done after one quick blow. Funny, since he loves to press buttons so much.

We got to Grand Central Station and had a quick look around. It's a big place and a very impressive structure. Riley was fascinated:

Checking out the architecture

He particularly liked the big American Flag

Next it was a quick trip on the subway and off to church. Shelby and I have always tried to visit Redeemer Presbyterian Church when we're in New York. We love Tim Keller's preaching (although one of the assistant pastors was preaching this time...still good) and it's nice to be able to travel somewhere and still attend a church we love. It was A LOT more work though. Everything is different when you've got three kids along. And the nursery was in a building across the street from the auditorium where the church meets. Things sure are different in the Big City.

After church it was off to Central Park. Our priorities for this trip were very different. We wanted to do fun things with the kids this time around, so we hit the Central Park Carousel and a toddlers playground.

It was love at first sight for the kids at the carousel

Riley even loved the little horses on the fence

Riley and Mama take a ride

Riley goes solo
(think he was having fun?)

Some video

The kids spent most of their playground time at the sprinklers. Riley wasn't all that excited about letting the water hit him. He's actually not a big fan of water being sprayed at him. The other two had a ball running around while Riley was immobile exactly where I placed him.

All three kids

The boys. Notice Riley has not moved...

Next it was off to one of our favorite places: Alice's Tea Cup. Alice's is a tea house with an Alice In Wonderland motif. They serve excellent food (like the British, it's more than just tea you're having) and of course...tea. Lots of different types of tea. It's fun, and a major feast. Some pictures:

Oil, Jon and a whole lot of food

A little girl's dream, Fairy dust and win

Riley making funny faces

Our last place to visit was Times Square. I've done a lot of crazy things in my life, and bringing three toddlers to this place ranks right up there with the best of them. Of course, crazy things are usually fun too...

On the subway to Times Square

Whoa, New York, just like I always pictured it...

Daddy and Riley

Mama and Riley

Family Times Square shot

Riley was wired, but not everyone else lasted

Do kids have fun visiting New York City?

The next day was mostly a travel day, but there was a cool playground down the street from the hotel. So we HAD to make a stop...

Making music with the pipe chimes

Riley demonstrates his balance

He STILL didn't want to have anything to do with the water

Tandem sliding

Then we were on the road home. A quick stop for lunch at Cracker Barrel where Riley showed us how to put together the puzzle that was on the table:

Our boy loves a puzzle

It was a great weekend. Relaxing and energizing both. And it was so much more fun to be able to share the New York experience with friends. I think we've got some more New York lovers on our hands. And some of them are only two.


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