Saturday, September 19, 2009

boy's weekend - 3

This was the annual weekend for the gathering of The Four, Shelby and her closest friends from her days in Nashville. What that means for Riley and I is another Boy's Weekend.

I miss Shelby when she's gone, but I love having such a large amount of one on one time with my son. I find him to be great company, and we really do have a lot of fun together.

This time around it was four days. More than a weekend, Shelby left early on Thursday morning (they met in West Virginia) so Riley and I were on our own for the duration. This means that I had a helper at work for a couple of days. Always a fun time for all involved, even my patients.

The days at the office were fairly typical if you've read one of my past entries about Riley coming to work with me. One difference is that Riley is showing more of an interest in buses, especially school buses lately. Well, at 3:09 pm every day the elementary school down the street lets out and the buses come by the office. We went out to watch. Riley also had some playmates when patients brought their kids in. Some pictures and video:

Riley playing with his toy bus while waiting for the buses


Kaz plays the recorder for a rapt audience

Riley and Henry

Having Riley in the office for so long (and the fact that he's my son) means that there are some things that he gets away with that other kids don't. He plays with my electric adjusting instrument and runs the battery out for instance. I don't even let other kids touch the thing... He also gets to climb on the furniture and amuse himself with stuff in the office:

Climbing on a traction table

Sliding anything flat he finds into the desk drawer. I don't know why either.

One thing that drives me crazy is that he always want to stand by the front door and look outside. I don't really blame him since there are trucks across the street and you can see the commuter train when it goes by, but the last thing I need is to have him bolt out the door (or worse.) He pushes the discipline envelope on this one, either ignoring me when I tell him to come back in the room or taking two steps and then stopping, looking me in the eye the whole time. This, of course, while I'm treating patients.

Drives me nuts!

Over all though I love having him there and it was a really fun two days. The days ended with a very tired boy (who can't nap at the office) falling asleep in his car seat on the way home.

Dressed for bed and ready to go home!

Next up was the weekend. We had plans to sit around in our underwear drinking beer, eating chips and watching sports on TV. But since Riley doesn't drink beer and we don't watch TV when Mama's not home we decided to do other stuff instead. Riley started the day on Saturday by doing one of his favorite puzzles (since he is the puzzle master.)

Fire Engine puzzle - It plays the siren when you finish it

After a morning hanging out and a failed nap attempt (shaking the cage) we did what we should have done in the first place, ride bikes! We took turns, Riley riding first and then Daddy pulling him around after. Some video:

Riley Rides!

Daddy's perspective

When we got home Riley took some time to practice up for the upcoming arrival of a sibling. I think he'll be ready for stroller duty:

Stroller practice

The rest of the weekend was typical with his normal bedtime and getting up and going to church on Sunday. Daddy spent his evenings getting some much needed work done on his mountain bike. Ask me about riser bars some time (if you care about mountain biking that is...) Mama was back Sunday afternoon...for 30 minutes. Riley ignored her at first and continued playing with the puzzle he had been working on. I think he was mad at her. Hmmm...our boy is showing a little more personality. 30 minutes because Mom and Dad were then off to see U2 at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro. But that's another story.

Another fun weekend for Dad and boy. As always I'm really happy to see Shelby when she gets back home. The concentrated time with my boy is priceless though. I love it!


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