Thursday, September 3, 2009

we have a heartbeat...

Yesterday was a big day for the Berg household. Shelby had her second appointment with the midwife at the the birthing center and this time if all went well we would hear our new child's heartbeat.

There has been some nervousness on our parts with this pregnancy. Neither of us are 'spring chickens' and Shelby in particular knows a number of women who have miscarried on their second pregnancies. So this was a big day. That being said, here's some video:

Mama celebrated with some post check-up sushi.

It's about seven weeks to an ultrasound. Yes, we do want to know if it's a boy or a girl. In the mean time Shelby has given our child the nickname, "Frankie Fetus".

It seems so much more real and so very much more exciting now.

Riley has been getting some practice at being a big brother. Here he is with his pal Dominick at daycare. These two really enjoy each other:

I think he's going to be great at it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool heartbeat. Camera angle was a little funky though. Ha.