Monday, January 18, 2010

snow day

This morning, we woke up to several inches of wet & heavy snow so we weren't going anywhere. Here's some highlights of our MLK holiday 2010:

Riley got his first "tats":

While J was blowing the driveway, we made "Riley's Mountain" with our neighbor, Gracie:

After lunch, we relaxed with one of the Leap Frog DVDs he got from G'ma Berg for Christmas:

Attempted a nap (which he does sporadically), but after 45 min of tearing up his room, I decided it was a lost cause.

Riley loves the Goodnight Moon puzzle he received from one of J's patients. It has 35 pieces and glows in the dark. He puts it together at least 2-4 x per day. We're missing a piece however, so he always says "uh oh" and I say "I know, it's missing" to which he say "min-ning" in a sad sort of way:

Besides the Leap Frog DVDs and puzzle above, his other favorite Christmas gift was the Fisher Price Laptop that we bought him. It has a phonics game that he has pretty much mastered where they show a letter (upper or lower case) and play the sound of it. He then has to find it on the keyboard in order to capture it.

So that was the highlights of our snow day fun. I managed to get a little business done too -- I started the process of refinancing our home and getting the condo taxes filed. So it was both fun and productive.

Did I mention I have 10 weeks until my due date?? :-)


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