Monday, January 4, 2010

odds and ends

We generally write blog entries with specific events in mind. That leaves us with all kinds of stuff that doesn't get on here...unless we have a miscellaneous post like this one. This will probably be another long one. So here we go.

Plays well with others...

Young kids play alone together for the most part, so it's a sign that they are growing up when they start to play together. We're starting to see this and here are some examples:

Riley plays with Claudia on Thanksgiving

Riley and Zippy doing some carpentry

Running with the girls


Riley hasn't ever shown any attachments to things. Toys, stuffed animals, etc. haven't been necessary fixtures in his life. That's been changing a bit lately as he's taken to carting around the "Blankie" that Shelby's best friend Kathy gave him. This picture just slays me with cuteness.

We have a little Linus running around the house

Bike Riding

Riley and I have done a lot of bike riding this year and he has gotten to ride his balance bike most times before getting towed around behind Daddy's bike at Lynn Woods Reservation. We did a little of this last year, but our season ended with cold weather during November. This year we were able to make it all the way into December. Here's our last ride:

Last Ride of 2009


Riley loves music of all kinds (and always has.) He once sat and watched Susan Boyle's video over and over saying, "More, more!" every time it ended. In particular though he loves listening to the Foo Fighters in the car with Daddy. Here's a clip that features his favorite:

But Honestly... (the fast part.)

Have we mentioned that our boy has taken to singing lately? He's started doing it in the back seat and when he's playing with toys. Very cute.

Christmas Pictures

With the holiday rapidly approaching we needed to get a good picture for a Christmas card. Riley was partially cooperative (part of the time he melted down) but he did give us some great pictures. One is featured on the blog banner. Here are some others:

He loves standing on something tall and raising his hands up high, "Big boy!"

Post meltdown rest with Mama and

Christmas card picture that came post-meltdown


Legos are a toy that Riley has played with on and off for a while. It's only been recently that he's really taken to building things with them though and he can sit quietly with them for an hour or more. Here he is with the Lego Man admiring his work:

Builder of towers

Booster Seat

Just before Christmas we transitioned Riley from the high chair to a booster seat. Now he sits at the table just like Mom and Dad. It's cool, but we need some kind of mat for him as he loves to dump his food on the table. He also likes to use the table to clean his hands off on.

Looking bigger and bigger

Favorite Christmas toys

Christmas was good to Riley this year. With so many people eager to give him gifts, he had quite the haul. He really loves everything, but here are some of his biggest faves:

Stamps. From the dollar store. You have got to love this about kids.

Trampoline. Now he can jump and jump to his heart's delight (and Daddy's.)

This brings me back to the jumper that he loved back in the early days. I loved that too.

The other big fave has been the Leap Frog DVD set my Mom got him. He can't get enough of the alphabet and word building!

The Mall Playground

Heading into the colder part of the year means that Mama needs to find places to bring her boy so that he can run, play and burn off some of his youthful energy. He loves the playgrounds that mall operators have started putting in all the shopping malls now. Shelby likes it too as it's a fairly comfortable, and enclosed, space. Perfect for a pregnant mom and her energetic boy. Riley has gotten very daring lately which means that Mama doesn't rest as much since he needs a spotter. He loves to climb.

He seems fearless

So he needs a spotter

He loves getting up on top of things and then raising his arms up high

Sliding down backwards and lounging on the slide is fun

Apparently so is sticking his head upside down in the boat or the car. Who knows?


Lastly, Riley has never lost his love of turning lights on and off over and over. What has changed is how he accesses the lights. He now puts all kinds of things together to help him climb up to them...

He doesn't just stack legos...

I remember when Riley was young people telling me that with each step he would be more fun. With the exception of potty training I'd say that's been true. These are good times.

I love my boy.


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