Friday, June 18, 2010

three months

Our baby girl is 3 months old today! Here's some of what's going on with her and what she's up to:

* She weighs 11 lbs 12 oz, which as of a month ago, she was in the 35th percentile for weight.

* She's nursing 6x per day starting at 5am with the last feeding around 7pm. I was able to wean her off of the nipple shield about two weeks ago, so her feedings are lasting between 30-40 min rather than the 60 min it was previously taking.

* She's sleeping about 8-9 hours at night, usually waking between 3:30am - 5am. When she wakes earlier than her first day's feeding, I bring her into bed and offer her a binky, which puts her back to sleep until 5am.

* Her daytime naps vary from 30 - 90 min usually, now that she's more interested in what's going on around her.

* She began turning herself 180 degrees in the crib through contorting her body this way and that. This led us to believe she might roll herself over while swaddled, so we stopped swaddling her and now use the sleepsack instead.

* Speaking of rolling, she began rolling from belly to back about 10 days ago, so tummy time doesn't last very long now!

* She also uses her heels to propel herself backwards so I often find her head up against her crib slats even though I put her in the center of the crib.

* She sucks on her hands all the time now and is using her hands to bat at her playgym animals and to grasp toys (briefly) that we put within reach. She'll put her blankets or burp clothes in her mouth when they're within reach too.

* She smiles and talks to us a lot now. I get big smiles from her first thing in the morning, which makes waking up at 5am easier!

Here's some of the latest snaps of our little beauty:

Just about to roll over...

 she can play with her playgym animals

Talking to mama whilst in the Bumbo

Rattle play

Whatcha talking about mama??

We had the kid's pictures taken last week, but none of the pics of the two of them together came out, so we did it ourselves:

In short, Kendall is a sweet little girl who is a delight to her whole family. We're so thankful that God gave her to us and we look forward to getting to know her more!


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