Sunday, June 27, 2010

a day out with thomas / edaville

Last Saturday we and our friends the Zivans took the kids for a trip down to Carver, MA to a small amusement park they have there. The draw: A ride on Thomas the Tank Engine. The park centers around a narrow gauge railroad that they have there, but for the 2 -6 year old crowd there's much more. (Actually, the parents can have fun too...)

Riley, it turns out, LOVES amusement park rides. He went on all the big rides and wanted more at each one. He started with the airplane ride that was one of the first as you head into the park. Once he found out that pulling back on the lever inside the plane took the plane higher he went as high as he could go and stayed there.

Natural born pilot? It is in his bloodline...

He went on a Ferris Wheel, Tilt-A-Whirl, Space Capsule, Merry-Go-Round and Flying Jumbo the Elephant ride, as well as the airplane and, of course, Thomas.

The video tells the tale, but there were some highlights. First was the Tilt-A-Whirl. Riley was hooting and hollering along with his Mom and Dad and didn't want to get off. It was actually the one ride that was truly adult style in the place. I loved how much HE loved it. Second, look for Riley sticking his head in the drum at the music tent to find the tambourine inside. He is a curious boy. Finally, Kendall didn't have much of a reaction to the place (being three months old) although she did look really cute while enjoying being held on the train ride. She HATED the train horn though. Poor girl. She took a cute picture though.

Funny, we went there for the "Day Out With Thomas" and that was the part Riley was least excited about. I guess he's just an adrenaline junky like his parents (who both LOVE rides!)

Here's the video:

We'll definitely be back to this place, Thomas or no.


1 comment:

Murry said...

What a fun time! I'm impressed that he found the tambourine inside the drum...what a smart guy! And Kendall sure looks cute in orange with her sun hat on! What a great looking family you all are!