Tuesday, June 1, 2010

kendall (by request)

A certain relative of mine informed me that there was a lack of Kendall pics and videos being posted, so this entry is to try and remedy that situation. As so much seems to be going on in Riley's life for the past several weeks, I suppose he has dominated the news as of late. There hasn't been much to report on Kendall -- newborns just don't do much -- but we have been taking pictures and making notes of some of the changes we're beginning to see with her.

For starters, she's not sleeping as much during the day. Her naps tend to be naplets of 30-60 min max, if that. So she's spending a little more time in the swing, for instance. She didn't like it at all at first, but now she good with it. I usually put her in it in the late afternoon where she intersperses mile-long stares with short snoozes.

When Kendall's not sleeping or on one of her marathon feeding sessions (45 - 60 min!), she's often sitting in the bumbo while I'm busy with Riley or doing some housework. Now that she can sit straight in it, she enjoys it more.

Kendall's last check up was about a week ago. She weighed 10.7 lbs and moved up from the 26th percentile to the 35th in weight.

Probably the biggest change in her life is that she's graduated up to her crib, which means she gets to enjoy her mobile now. We got this awesome mobile from a friend called Symphony in Motion and both of our kids loved it. Besides the mobile, this picture also captures one of her new discoveries -- sucking on her hands:

Like Riley, Kendall stills needs to be swaddled to calm down and go to sleep at night. She is a magnificent squirmer however and on two occasions managed to move completely off her sleep positioner. This is how I found her in the morning:

She's taking notice of her brother too. Riley still dotes on his sister and I was reminded again of why I can't leave them alone together in the room quite yet. The other day I left Kendall in her bouncy seat to get myself a glass of water when Riley took her out of it to move her to the activity mat for tummy time. I hear this cry from Kendall and after running back to the living room, she's lying there on her belly with her face planted nose-first on the ground and crying. Riley looked surprised as though he didn't expect things to go so awry. That's my helpful boy. Well, that won't be the last time he inadvertently makes her cry now, will it??

Please don't be fooled... Riley's not stroking Kendall's hair but rather he's sticking his thumb into her ear. She let out a holler as I was taking the picture to let him know she didn't like it.

(You may have noticed that Riley's naked as a jaybird in these snaps. Well, he's showing an interest in the potty again so I let him run around naked that afternoon as he was practicing his potty skills. He's mostly done very well, so we're going cold turkey again this weekend to see if this time we can ditch the diaps for good during the day. More on that later...)

Lastly, baby girl is showing us her strong neck & back muscles and will consent to tummy time for more than a couple of minutes now. Check her out:

We love our baby girl!!


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