Sunday, May 6, 2007

37 weeks, full term & on bed rest

Our hopes for a Cinco de Mayo baby faded last night, so now we hope for a Mother’s Day with babe in arms, not belly. I’m now waiting out the time at home, as my midwives advised me to lay on my left side as much as possible to reduce the edema and lower my blood pressure. So no more going to work until after my maternity leave is over.

I can already see & feel the benefits of lying down – I lost about 5 lbs of fluid weight in 24 hours. My legs aren’t tight and swollen like before. To pass the time, I’ve been watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy again – the extended edition with the bonus cds will help me get through these first few days.


1 comment:

Kristen said...

been thinking of y'all. hope you're doing well (really hope you're in labor right now, shelby!) we can't wait to meet riley.